Interkulturelles Café
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Interkulturellen Café ein. Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Kultur können sich hier bei Kuchen und Kaffee und Gesellschaftsspielen kennenlernen und austauschen. Es freut uns, wenn Gäste etwas für das selbstgemachte Kuchenbuffet mitbringen. Es gibt fair gehandelten Kaffee.
Intercultural Café at St.Spiritus
every first and third wednesday of any month from 4- 6 pm:
These get-togethers are an opportunity for intercultural exchange between refugees and residents of Greifswald. At the intercultural cafe you can make friends, exchange ideas and plan group activities. You are welcome to bring and share your favourite game or cake.
Ort: Kulturzentrum St. Spiritusevery first and third wednesday of any month from 4- 6 pm:
These get-togethers are an opportunity for intercultural exchange between refugees and residents of Greifswald. At the intercultural cafe you can make friends, exchange ideas and plan group activities. You are welcome to bring and share your favourite game or cake.